
Adding by the rule of civil procedure is essential to every deposition

Our Specialty

Preserving testimony by video is efficient and cost effective. Legal video productions have always been our specialty. Every deposition we record is preserved on both DVD and digital tape. Once completed, the master digital tape(s) and DVD(s) are maintained as backups in our files for your protection. We offer a complete choice of duplication formats for your deposition including: DVD, MPEG-1, YesLaw and Video-Text Synchronization compatible with Sanction, Trial Director, Summation, Visionary, LiveNote and Power Point trial presentation software.

Depositions: Frequently Asked Questions

Why videotape a deposition?
A professionally recorded videotaped deposition accurately depicts the witness’ voice, appearance and demeanor. Communication goes far beyond the written word. Recording testimony by video captures body language, mood, temperament and more.
Yes! Studies repeatedly demonstrate jurists retain information up to 6 times better when seeing witnesses along with hearing them speak. Video proves to be more compelling than just listening to testimony being read aloud or being played from an audiotape recorder. Videotaped testimony is a persuasive communication tool.
Absolutely. All videographers of Ron Fleming Video Productions are experienced professionals who will ensure that the deposition is properly and professionally recorded. The type and placement of camera, the proper use of supplemental lighting, and the clarity of the audio signal are among the many details that can serve to either enhance or detract from the usefulness of a video. Using our expert, independent services safeguards against bias that can arise from improper production.
We are an independent, professional production company with over 29 years of legal videography expertise. Our full-time videographers are experienced, dedicated professionals, each with backgrounds in all aspects of video production.We maintain Certified Legal Video Specialist designation through NCRA and carefully abide by the rules of civil procedure. We are not financially interested in the action of a case, and we are neither relatives, nor employees of any of the parties. We are committed to providing the best possible video and audio available utilizing our broadcast-quality equipment and our team of highly-skilled videographers.
We provide every format available, including the formats of DVD, MPEG-1, YesLaw and Video-Text Synchronization compatible with Sanction, Trial Director, Summation, Visionary, LiveNote and Power Point trial presentation software.
We offer video/text synchronization that allows easy selection of portions of the video for review and enables instant access of excerpts to be replayed in court during trial. We provide video/text synchronization for newly recorded depositions as well as for those previously recorded.